Skylotec ACS-0281 Long Leash Flex

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Rp 250.000


The LONG LEASH FLEX offers optimal flexibility and practicality when securing tools from crashing or falling. The sturdy spiral strap coils together to about 73 cm and extends to about 103 cm. It offers enough flexing so that it’s comfortable to work with tools without removing it.

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The LONG LEASH FLEX offers optimal flexibility and practicality when securing tools from crashing or falling. The sturdy spiral strap coils together to about 73 cm and extends to about 103 cm. It offers enough flexing so that it’s comfortable to work with tools without removing it. The self-closing twist-lock carabiner at the end of Long Leash Flex can be easily attached to personal protective equipment. It can support up to 4.5 kg and is designed for medium-sized tools such as screwdrivers.

Optimal for tools up to 4.5 kg • Stretchable flex-band for comfortable working • Doesn’t twist or wear out the cable, even after many uses.

ART. NO. ACS-0281
EAN 4030281276388
E-CLASS NUMBER 40-02-92-90
CUSTOMS NO. 73269098
SIZE 733x15x3mm
WEIGHT 0,08 kg

Berat 0,2 gram
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